GCS Welcomes Eleonore Hein as New Project Assistant

Greetings! Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Eleonore Hein, and I am the newly appointed Project Assistant in the German-Canadian Studies at the University of Winnipeg.

I recently finished my bachelor’s degree at the University of Manitoba, specializing in Research in German Literature with a minor in Biology. Excited about applying my theoretical knowledge in this role, my aim is to dive deeper in the vast field of research.

Throughout my educational journey, I have taken numerous steps to broaden my horizon in order to increase my interpersonal communication skills and to relate to individuals with different backgrounds. By taking a great number of courses in different academic areas including Mathematics, Physics, English, Psychology and Sociology, I was able to look at the world through a new perspective.

In addition, engaging in volunteering, particularly with chronically ill infants and their guardians, reinforced my desire for understanding individuals and their diverse narratives.

As a German immigrant this research area holds personal significance, fueling my enthusiasm to be part of the team that contributes to preserving the oral history and making it available for further education and research.